Thursday, July 31, 2008


I've been taking a short break from shoots, but the planning stages for the next creative portraits are coming along nicely! I am always looking for models willing to do creative poses and model in unique places. If you are in the Seattle area and willing to participate in any of my shoots, drop me an email.

If you go to my links section on the right-hand side of this page, you can check out my ongoing projects. I am still looking for crime scene models, traditional and creative portrait models.

Tomorrow I will be at Jefferson Park on South Lake Washington shooting the Blue Angels.

Here are some shots from the Kirkland Wetlands taken at 400mm with my Digital Rebel Xti.

This nail head was taken with my 100mm macro lens with extension tube and 10x magnification.

Tuesday, July 29, 2008

Sunday, July 27, 2008


A good day for photojournalism!!! This morning found me being awoken by a rancid smoke wafting in my open bedroom window. As a siren blared in the distance, I jumped to my feet, grabbed my camera and ran out the door. Scanning the sky, I saw smoke about two blocks south-east of my apartment, so I ran towards it. As I ran up the concrete stairs to the 99 freeway, I took these pictures.

Luckily it wasn't a house fire, but a homeless camp whose occupants were attempting to cook up some meth (at least that's what I gathered from the eyewitness reports of two explosive concussions prior to the fire). The fire quickly burned itself out and I went on my way.

On the walk back to my apartment, I noticed that the morning dew was covering some of the very beautiful flowers that line Dexter Ave N. Some bees were out also and with some patience, I managed to get some manual focus macro shots. Check them out!

Saturday, July 26, 2008

More Shots of Mine on the Behance Network

Here is my Behance URL --

Check it out, there are two projects, Macro and Close-up and Violence. The latter has more teaser shots from the Friday shoot with Edite.

Off to a portrait shoot at Madison Park.


Friday, July 25, 2008

Friday Evening Update

It's finally Friday and I feel like this dog looks.

I guess I should be happy there is a steady supply of work! Although my day job kicks me in the pants from time to time.

On the bright side, my crime scene special project is coming along nicely after today's shoot.

Thanks to everyone who helped make it possible, especially Edite, who laid still for the camera.

I don't want to give too much away, as I am still a ways out from posting the full body of work. Here are a few sneak peaks at the first of what I hope to be many forays into the dark world of crime and violence.

Thursday, July 24, 2008

Increasing the Size and Quality of my Portfolio

Its Thursday Afternoon and I am getting ready for a heavy weekend of photo shoots. I have been placing a ton of ads offering free services in order bolster my Carbonmade portfolio. Thanks to Deborah (pictured below), things are off to a really easy and fun start.

For those of you who don't know, my Carbonmade portfolio is RIGHT HERE

My portrait (traditional and creative) will be on Carbonmade, however, I have several adult themed shoots and I will probably put those on Deviant art as well as Carbonmade. I'll keep you all briefed and as soon as I have an off-site post, I will make sure I link it to this blog.

Keep an eye out for Deborah (creative and traditional portraits) and my other more risque art, featuring not Deborah. Ha!

P.S. If you are in the Seattle area and need photos, you should send me an email soon before I start charging for this!

Tuesday, July 22, 2008

My Online Portfolio

My Imagekind site is no more! I am upgrading and expanding my Carbonmade portfolio. I have added two new projects: Environmental Portraits and With Water.

Check them out at My Online Portfolio

Monday, July 21, 2008

Up Close and Personal

Too much wide-angle can be a bad thing. I'm going to take a moment with this post and get up close and personal with my surroundings.

Residential flower garden, Bellevue. Canon SX100 IS Powershot.

Lake near Mount St. Helens. Taken at 400mm.

Alki beach. f/2.8 - 100mm macro and Digital Rebel Xti.

The hand of the Fremont Troll. Sx100 Powershot.

Inside the Tractor Tavern just before we took the stage. Digital Rebel Xti and f/1.4 50mm.

Sunday, July 20, 2008

Leopard Kills a Croc!

Another post I stumbled upon which was too amazing to pass up. Enjoy.

*****All photographs in this post are Copyright Hal Brindley*****

The giant cat raced out of cover provided by scrub and bushes
to surprise the crocodile, which was swimming nearby.

A terrible and bloody struggle ensued. Eventually, onlookers were amazed to see the leopard drag the crocodile from the water as the reptile fought back.

With the crocodile snapping its powerful jaws furiously, the two animals somersaulted and grappled. Despite the crocodile's huge weight and strength, the leopard had the upper hand catching its prey by the throat.

Eventually the big cat was able to sit on top of the reptile and suffocate it.

In the past, there have been reports of crocodiles killing leopards, but this is believed to be the first time that the reverse scenario has been observed.

Sunday Afternoon Update

Whew!!! This weekend has been extremely hectic. From photographing the Puget Sound sailboat races, to our show at Chop Suey on Friday night to an all day excursion to Mount Rainier with my friend Chandelle (pictured 3rd, with her 20D and my 24-105L), I have been run ragged. I still have to go to Alki beach and shoot some volleball today.

Here are some shots from my weekend, excluding our show at Chop Suey, as I have to play bass and not photograph. Check out our music and and keep an eye out for our second album coming soon.

The last shot is the summit of Rainier at 390mm at an elevation of 6400 feet.

Friday, July 18, 2008

Before I Sleep

I had to post this article that I found. It's too amazing to pass up.

On May 1, 1947, Evelyn McHale leapt to her death from the observation deck of the Empire State Building. Photographer Robert Wiles took a photo of McHale a few minutes after her death.

The photo ran a couple of weeks later in Life magazine accompanied by the following caption:

On May Day, just after leaving her fiancé, 23-year-old Evelyn McHale wrote a note. 'He is much better off without me ... I wouldn't make a good wife for anybody,' ... Then she crossed it out. She went to the observation platform of the Empire State Building. Through the mist she gazed at the street, 86 floors below. Then she jumped. In her desperate determination she leaped clear of the setbacks and hit a United Nations limousine parked at the curb. Across the street photography student Robert Wiles heard an explosive crash. Just four minutes after Evelyn McHale's death Wiles got this picture of death's violence and its composure.

From McHale's NY Times obituary, Empire State Ends Life of Girl, 20:

At 10:40 A. M., Patrolman John Morrissey of Traffic C, directing traffic at Thirty-fourth Street and Fifth Avenue, noticed a swirling white scarf floating down from the upper floors of the Empire State. A moment later he heard a crash that sounded like an explosion. He saw a crowd converge in Thirty-third Street.

Two hundred feet west of Fifth Avenue, Miss McHale's body landed atop the car. The impact stove in the metal roof and shattered the car's windows. The driver was in a near-by drug store, thereby escaping death or serious injury.

On the observation deck, Detective Frank Murray of the West Thirtieth Street station, found Miss McHale's gray cloth coat, her pocketbook with several dollars and the note, and a make-up kit filled with family pictures.

Mr. Spot's Chai House

Mr. Spot's Chai House is a favorite Ballard haunt of mine. Although under new ownership, and surrounded by huge new condominium projects, the Chai House still maintains is charm. They also make the best spicy chai on the west coast and maybe the whole U.S.

Another benefit: They keep the flower vase full of fresh flowers! Ha! These shots were taken with my f/2.8 100mm Canon Macro lens on a Rebel Xti body.

Thursday, July 17, 2008

Woodland Park Zoo, Seattle, Wa

Patas Monkey


Southern Weaver

Obviously a Giraffe


Wednesday, July 16, 2008

Green Lake, Seattle, Wa -- Garden Flower Macro

Flowers are an endless source of entertainment for a macro photographer. Not only do they provide color and good opportunity for creative depth-of-field, but also occasionally you will catch an insect in the act of gathering pollen.

This first photo was taken when the dew was just evaporating from the morning sun.

Golden Gardens, Ballard, Seattle, Wa

Tuesday, July 15, 2008

Golden Gardens, Ballard, Seattle, Wa

I had to stand in this bush for 30 minutes with a swarm of these bees before I was able to get this shot. Luckily they don't sting unless you bother them.

Queen Anne

This old Ford Truck haunts the neighborhood by my favorite market in Queen Anne: Ken's. The most volatile Kombucha ever can be found there. This was taken with my Canon Powershot SX100 IS. If anyone is looking for a trusty and inexpensive point-and-shoot, this is the camera for you.

Project update: I have 3 projects I'm working on at the moment, two of which I will post here, and the third I will provide a link to, as it's not blogspot appropriate. Keep your eyes open sometime after the 25th of July.

Sunday, July 13, 2008

Funny Cartoon of the Day

I had to post this as it is the funniest thing I have seen in a while.

Sights from Today's Photographic Journey around Seattle and its Environs

Fun times again!!! This Sunday I decided to stay away from the target rich Ballard and Fremont markets and find some new inspiration. After landing in southern Magnolia and Elliot Bay park, I managed to find quite a few interesting goings-on. I hope you enjoy!!!

The first picture is Mt. Rainier from the Elliot Bay Marina.